When you go out for a coffee or purchase items at a grocery store, you expect your food to be clean and safe. here are many regulations, under the FSMA, to keep the food industry safe for customers, clients, and staff alike. Many factors go into producing safe food, with one critical factor being commercial pest control. As a professional in the food industry, learn more about the critical role of pest control in food safety processes.
The role of pest control in food safety is all about understanding how to keep pests away from your customers and products. To keep customers, clients, and employees safe, pest control is an essential aspect of food safety in the food industry. When you engage with routine pest control, you make essential steps toward protecting your warehouse and investments. When pests come into your warehouse or business, look for them in voids and quiet spots, warm spots, especially for mice, and shadows.
Watch out for the obvious signs of pest infestation. The key signs that your business may have pests are odd smells or sounds and pest droppings, particularly from mice, and dead insects or pests. Many pests, primarily mice and termites, tend to leaves gnaw marks in packaging, especially in cardboard packaging. So, gnaw marks and holes are another sign that pests have moved onto your commercial property. As you look around the shadows and quiet places, you should call for food safety pest control in Coos Bay if you notice any one of these signs.
So how can you prevent pests in the meantime? Create a schedule to inspect and document the conditions of your property, whether a warehouse or a cafe, on a regular basis. You’ll be able to keep a consistent on your pest control problem, taking corrective action as soon as necessary. Protective treatments should include indoor and outdoor pest control treatments, and be prepared to take these actions immediately. These treatments should be done monthly, at least, but may depend on your needs and concerns regarding the pests on your property.
When you are in the food industry, you should understand how important sanitation is from start to finish. From initial ingredients to food preparation, pests at any stage of this process can do anything from make customers creeped out to actually causing them to be sick. So, take preventative pest control seriously and the critical role of pest control in the food industry.