How to Stop a Termite Infestation in Your Home?


Termites are able to get into your home and cause a lot of damage before you even know they are there. If you do not get an inspection done, it is possible for them to eat right through the main structure of your home and cause a big mess that you need to deal with. That is why it is so important to take a look at some of the simple steps you can use to prevent a termite infestation in the first place.


# Keep moisture out of the home: Many termites like to be near moisture so they can thrive. You need to work to reduce the level of moisture around the property, such as fixing any leaks and diverting water so it is not close to the property.

# Store firewood properly: You do not want to leave the firewood close to the home. This is a great place to hide termites and then they can jump right to the wood of your home when done. It is a good idea to keep the firewood a minimum of 20 feet from the home.

# Take away the stumps and dying trees from the property: Both of these are great places for termites to call home. Once they are done eating all of that wood, they can jump over to the home and start eating some of the wood that is found there.

# Keep tree branches off the home: Overhanging branches can be good highways that lead the termites to the home. Make sure that the tree branches are always trimmed and kept as far from the home as possible so this doesn’t happen.

# Pay attention to the wood foundations: If your home has a wood foundation, then they can sustain some termite damage. These foundations often have a chemical treatment on them to make sure they are safe, this treatment can become damaged and weak over time. You may need to look at other solutions to avoid termites. It is better to go with a material that the termites are not going to find as tasty.


Whether you are dealing with a termite infestation around your home or commercial property or you have another type of pest control problem to worry about, you need to work with some of our professionals to make sure you get rid of them and protect your property as much as possible. Our team is here to provide all of the different options you need, including fumigations in Tucson to make sure the pests are gone and you are protected. Contact us today to protect your property and keep termites away.


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