Simple Tips For Keeping Pests Out Of The Warehouse


Warehouses need several things in them. They need boxes and pallets, forklifts, people to move said boxes and pallets, and maybe the occasional truck driver asking about their order. However, what they don’t need are pests coming in and causing all sorts of problems. If you want to keep pests out of the warehouse and out of your hair, then here are a few tips for how to do that effectively!


Take Out The Trash And Clean The Place


Warehouses can be a little dirty, after all you’ve got people building boxes, breaking boxes down, driving machines around, and otherwise moving pallets and items around. Additionally, since the massive service doors are often always open, dirt, leaves, and debris from outside can fly inside.


However, while your warehouse might be able to get away with being a little dirty, you don’t want it to become a dump. This not only can affect the products, morale, and how your customers view you, but it can also cause pests to make homes in the dirty areas. So sweep the floor, take out the garbage, and make sure to clean places like in office kitchens, bathrooms, and drains.


Store Your Trash Properly


Many warehouses have a trash bin for torn boxes, busted pallets, and other items that need to be thrown away. Make sure that your bins are covered and are kept away from the entrances and exits as well. Additionally, for smaller items such as papers, food, and smaller debris, you should place them in a properly sealed trashbag that is thrown away in the dumpsters as well.


Look At The Perimeter


The only way that pests are going to get inside of your warehouse is if you leave the door open for them. While you might think that only the access doors are the only point of entry you need to worry about, you also need to worry about cracks in the foundation, open windows, and holes in your warehouse roof.


If you see any potential areas for pests to get inside of your warehouse, then make sure you are working to seal those areas up and keep the building secured. If you have inspected the perimeter but aren’t sure what to look for, then don’t be afraid to call one of the many Warehouse Pest Control in Rockaway Beach options for some help and a consultation.


Keep Your Eyes Open


Finally, don’t be afraid to continually monitor for pests in your business, because you want to make sure that they never have a chance to come in. As long as you are observant and don’t give pests any wiggle room, they will stay away!