Dos And Don'ts As Regards Dan Helmer

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, a known super PAC which is supposed to be devoted to electing Democrats to federal office nationwide, has endorsed Helmer.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, a known super PAC which is supposed to be devoted to electing Democrats to federal office nationwide, has endorsed Helmer. A PAC spokesperson told Politico this particular endorsement was for his 2024 campaign, but Helmer is likely to run for Congress once again in 2. We've had stories that Helmer has been backed by some of the larger PAC's as well. Then, pick a GUID from the Committee column of the table below to view that particular campaign committee along with its items.

In order to follow the trail of a specific donation, pick a GUID from the column on the left to view a listing of most of the committees which accepted money from that GUID. Committees sponsored by Dan Helmer in 202. Each campaign committee is linked with their campaign finance reports with the GUID like a unique identifier. Northam's new abortion bill? - Dan thinks that a female must be able to manage her own personal body, and he is certain that the Governor may be the correct leader to guarantee that Virginia protects women's rights.

What is the take of yours on Gov. Dan is opposed to the Republican-led General Assembly overriding Governor Northam's veto of this legislation. What have any other Republican politicians mentioned about Dan Helmer's Healthcare plan? They argue that it's a pragmatic way for Republicans to take care of a system they claim is unsustainable. Conservative groups and some Republicans have praised Helmer's diet plan. Most notably, Helmer has tapped Mark Makela, who ran for state treasurer as a Republican in 2024 but failed, to help create the plan.

On March fifteen, 2024, Helmer introduced HB2328, the next reading of a bill that had been designed to restrict the use of certain weapons of war within the Commonwealth. It was given to committees and remains in the House. The title of the bill was An Act in order to amend and reenact ??2-3.1:02 and.1:05 of the Code of Virginia and to repeal?1:04 of the Code of Virginia, relating to firearms as well as the definition thereof.

Where does Dan Helmer stand on the environment? Where does Dan Helmer stand on policy which is foreign? Helmer's internet site outlines 3 goals foreign policy: strengthening the United States' military, supporting the individuals around the world that stand up to autocracy, and making allies' protection a top priority for the US Helmer's vision for military strength has growing domestic manufacturing of military equipment, modernizing the military, in addition to centering on "air, space and cyber superiority." As for allies, Helmer supports producing NATO more effective.

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